Trouble Studying (or Working)? Use This Rinse and Repeat Method

The average human attention span is surprisingly short. Have you ever been sitting in a meeting and about 2 minutes in start thinking about what’s for lunch… Then you drift back in… And back out… And back in… This is your short attention span at work. The question is how do we fight this problem!

Short periods of maximum intensity followed by a break. I used this to get me through medical school and the countless hours of studying required to pass the medical licensing examinations… Here is how I did it and hopefully it will work well for you too! The general outline is:

Study (Work) –> Break –> Short Recap –> Study (Work) –> Break –> Short Recap –> Ok you get the point…

Start by studying or working for 30 minutes. Then take a 10 minute walk. Come back and recap for 5 minutes what you did in the first 30 minutes. This now leaves you with 25 minutes to continue studying. Then take another 10 minute break. Then recap for another 5 minutes. Rinse and repeat.

The beauty of this method is that you are constantly re-learning what you learned in the prior 30 minutes. This ensures maximum retention over time. By taking frequent breaks it lets your mind reset.

Thirty minutes too long? Start with 15 minutes and work your way up… I was eventually able to get up to about an hour of really solid study time with this method.

Give it a try! Let us know how it goes in the comment section…

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