Ulysses Grant

Battlefield Success: Ulysses Grant’s Strategies for Life

General Ulysses Grant is best known for his military prowess during the American Civil War. Grant’s success on the battlefield can be attributed, in part, to his strategic approach. Here is a look at how General Grant might have developed a strategy to achieve his goals:

  1. Define clear objectives: Grant believed in setting clear and specific objectives. Why are we marching south? Why do we need to take this town or city? Defining clear objectives helps prevent the “fog of war” from paralyzing action.
  2. Assess the situation: Grant was a master at assessing the situation around him. He would analyze the terrain, the enemy’s strength, and the available resources in order to determine the best approach for achieving his objectives.
  3. Develop a plan of attack: Grant believed in developing a clear plan of attack. He would identify the key actions needed to achieve his objectives, assign tasks to his troops, and establish timelines for execution.
  4. Execute with precision: Grant believed in the importance of precision and execution. He would ensure that his troops were properly trained, well-equipped, and disciplined. He would closely monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that his plan was executed with maximum efficiency.
  5. Maintain flexibility: Grant understood that plans could change quickly in the midst of battle. He was prepared to adjust his strategy as needed, and was always ready to adapt to new situations.
  6. Analyze results: Grant believed in analyzing the results of his actions, whether they were successful or not. He would evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his approach, learn from his mistakes, and adjust his strategy accordingly.


By following these principles, General Ulysses Grant was able to achieve his goals on the battlefield. His strategic approach emphasized clear objectives, careful assessment, precise execution, and flexibility. This approach can be applied to other areas of life as well, whether it be business, politics, or personal goals. By defining clear objectives, assessing the situation, developing a plan of attack, executing with precision, maintaining flexibility, and analyzing results, individuals can develop effective strategies for achieving their goals.

“The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who have helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.”

“In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten. Then he who continues the attack wins.”

“There are but few important events in the affairs of men brought about by their own choice.”