What Existentialism Can Teach Us About Life (Sartre on Success)

Existentialism is a philosophical movement rooted in the importance of individual responsibility. This means we have the power to create meaning and purpose through our choices and actions. We can develop a framework for making meaningful choices in life by taking responsibility for our existence.

One of the central tenets of existentialism is the freedom to shape our lives; meaning is created through our choices and actions. Sartre’s believed that we are not determined by our past experiences, our environment, or our cultural circumstances; fortunately, we have the power to make conscious and deliberate choices allowing us to create our own destiny.

Another key aspect of existentialism is the importance of authenticity. Sartre believed that it is essential to be true to oneself and live in accordance with one’s own values, beliefs, and desires. Living inauthentically, by conforming to societal norms or expectations, is to surrender our freedom and to become a “useless passion”. By embracing authenticity and living a life that is true to our own values, we can ensure we are living a good life that is meaningful (and hopefully fulfilling).

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.”

Jean-Paul Sartre

Existentialism also emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility. Sartre believed that we must take responsibility for our choices and actions and, perhaps more importantly, accept the consequences of those choices. This means we cannot blame our circumstances, our environment, or other people for the state of our lives.

For example, in Sartre’s play “No Exit,” the characters are faced with the realization that they are responsible for their own existence and that they cannot escape the consequences of their choices. The play demonstrates that taking responsibility for our existence is a difficult and challenging process, but that it is also the only way to achieve a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Sartre believed that we must always strive to act in accordance with OUR values and beliefs, even if it means challenging societal norms and expectations that we may not truly agree with. Living a life of integrity and authenticity is more important than conforming to societal norms.

Existentialism can help us live a good life by empowering us to take responsibility for our existence, by emphasizing the importance of authenticity and self-expression, and by providing a framework for making meaningful choices. By embracing the principles of existentialism, we can create a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and in line with our own desires and values.

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