Sexless Marriage? Reclaim Your Masculinity and Your Life

Do you consider yourself a good man? A man that works hard and “brings home the bacon”, treats his wife with respect and love, helps around the house, does his best to be a loving father? Yet despite these nobel attributes find yourself constantly rebuked by your spouse? Don’t worry! You are far from alone!

There is an epidemic of sexless marriages across the country. We have scoured the internet trying to find the causes and solutions to this problem. Why did your wife show you so much sexual affection early in your relationship, but has now gone cold? If you are a good man you have likely tried everything from rubbing her feet every night, to doing the dishes, to cooking meals, all while still bringing home a paycheck to pay the bills… After all, you are a good man! You are just hoping that by decreasing the stress in her life you will be able to reignite that passion she once had. The sad truth is it is very unlikely to help because you have been slowly emasculated.

When a woman first meets her future husband she sees him as a man; a man that can get things done, be a leader for their future family; a man that can “bring home the bacon”. This causes a physical attraction that leads to the physical intimacy that men crave, and quite frankly need. However, as the relationship continues she starts to see your small flaws, the chinks in your armor so to speak. The affection fades, and in many relationships it disappears completely. Meanwhile the man is left wondering why? You do your damndest to solve the problem. You buy her things, place her on a pedastal, worship her every move. Still no affection… What is going on? She no longer sees you as that strong leader; she sees you as a comfortable roommate. A roommate that will help pay the bills, and raise the kids, and do the dishes, but not a man who will lead and take control. You have been slowly emasculated.

So what is the fix? Take back your “manliness”. The hardest part of fixing a sexless marriage is convincing your wife that you are that man she fell in love with many years ago. Continue to treat her with respect and love, but start spending some time on becoming a “beast of a man”. A man capable of courage, restraint, and self control… A man who is strong, both mentally, and physically. We have put together a brief guide below to help men reclaim their masculinity. Will this fix your relationship? Will the affection and sexual passion return? We have no idea, but at the very leas you will have bettered yourself, and even if she doesn’t notice, you will! And that is a win in our book…

Building the Foundation

Physical Fitness:

Start with basic cardio (walking, jogging) 6 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour. Incorporate basic strength training exercises 4 times a week (pushups and situps). Gradually increase intensity. Include interval training in cardio sessions. Add bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and planks. You do not need shit tons of equipment to get ripped. Body weight exercises when done properly are plenty effective!

Mental Health:

Begin a daily meditation practice, starting with 10 minutes a day and gradually increasing. Start a daily journal. Write about the absurdities that have krept into your life and how well (or poorly) you managed them each day. Come up with ways you could have done things better.


“12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” by Jordan B. Peterson – Provides life advice through essays on abstract ethical principles. This book is an ass kicker, but get through it!
“The Way of the Superior Man” by David Deida – Explores the most important issues in men’s lives from a masculine perspective.
“No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert A. Glover – Addresses the ‘Nice Guy Syndrome’ and finding personal happiness.
“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl – A memoir about surviving the Holocaust and finding significance in all forms of existence.
“Iron John: A Book About Men” by Robert Bly – Explores myths and cultural expectations surrounding masculinity.
“Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win” by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin – Teaches leadership principles from a military perspective, emphasizing responsibility and discipline.
“Come as You Are” by Emily Nagoski – This book is written more for women, but it is incredibly useful in understanding your partner’s potential lack of desire.

Continuous Development

These are just a few ideas to get your started. Supplement and add to our list above; this should be seen as the beginning of a lifelong journey of growth and self-discovery. Along with this, remember the importance of communication and mutual understanding in your relationships.

More Relationship Advice…

The Power of Visualization: Lessons from Dr. Blaslotto’s Experiment

If I asked you to close your eyes and imagine biting into a juicy lemon, you’d probably wince as your mind conjures the tart flavor, right? That’s the power of visualization – the mind’s ability to simulate real experiences without physically going through them. This mental tool isn’t just handy for culinary thought experiments. In fact, as evidenced by Dr. Blaslotto’s work at the University of Chicago, visualization is a crucial component for achieving peak performance in any area of life.

The Blaslotto Experiment:

Dr. Blaslotto and his team conducted an experiment where participants were divided into three groups. The task was simple – shooting basketball free throws. Group A practiced shooting every day for an hour. Group B only visualized themselves making free throws but never practiced physically. Group C did nothing related to basketball.

After 30 days, the results were astonishing! Group A, which practiced physically, improved by 24%. Group C, which did nothing, did not improve (no surprise). However, Group B, which only visualized successful shots, improved by an astounding 23%, almost as much as the group that physically practiced!

Mind Over Matter:

The question is, how did visualization alone lead to such a significant improvement in performance? The answer lies in our brains. When we visualize an action, our brains generate an impulse that tells our neurons to “perform” the movement. This creates a new neural pathway that is imprinted into our mind, almost as if we had physically performed the action. Over time, this mental rehearsal primes our body for action and enhances our ability to execute the task in real life.

Applying Visualization in Life:

Let’s move away from the basketball court and into our daily lives. Whether you’re preparing for a big presentation, gearing up for an important interview, or planning to run a marathon, visualization can be a game-changer.

Imagine yourself performing the task with precision and confidence. Visualize success – the applause after your presentation, the nod of approval from your interviewer, the rush of crossing the finish line. The more vividly you can imagine these scenarios, the more your brain becomes familiar with them, and the more likely you are to turn them into reality.

A Word of Caution:

While visualization is powerful, it doesn’t replace actual practice or preparation! Read our article on practice perfect makes perfect! It’s a supplement, not a substitute. You can’t visualize yourself becoming a world-class surgeon without attending medical school, or manifest a bestselling novel without actually writing it. Visualization and actual practice should go hand in hand. Think of them as the dynamic duo of personal development, like Batman and Robin, but without the cool gadgets and fancy costumes.

Basketball that Looks Like a Brain

The mind is a powerful tool. It can be your greatest ally in achieving peak performance in any area of your life. As Dr. Blaslotto’s experiment demonstrated, the practice of visualization can significantly enhance your performance and bring you closer to your goals. So, close your eyes and envision your success. Your brain might just be tricked into making it a reality.

Get After It!

Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect, Perfect Practice Makes Perfect!

We’ve all heard the adage, “Practice makes perfect,” but let’s be honest – how many of us have spent hours practicing something, only to end up feeling like we’ve made zero progress? When I found myself stuck in this conundrum, my dad would nudge me a bit and say, “Son, practice doesn’t make perfect… Perfect practice makes perfect.” And boy was he right! While it’s true that practice is essential for mastery, it’s the quality of that practice that makes all the difference. Let’s explore some aspects of how perfect practice can help you “level up” in life.

The Art of Mindful Mess-Ups

Let’s face it; nobody is perfect. The beauty of perfect practice is that it encourages us to embrace our imperfections and learn from mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up for that off-key note or fumbled dance step, why not have a chuckle and think, “Well, that’s one way NOT to do it!” By approaching practice with a sense of humor and curiosity, you can transform your missteps into valuable lessons. In addition, if you are practicing perfectly it forces you to notice those mistakes so they can help you get better.

The Mysterious Case of Vanishing Boredom

Perfect practice involves focusing on specific areas for improvement, rather than mindlessly repeating the same actions. Say goodbye to the pain of monotonous repetition! Instead, you’ll be playing detective, identifying your weaknesses and devising strategies to conquer them. Who knew that honing your skills could feel like starring in your very own crime drama?

The Joy of Tiny Victories

When you’re engaged in perfect practice, it’s essential to celebrate the small wins along the way. Did you finally nail that tricky chord progression? Time for a victory dance! Finally parallel parked without causing a 10-car pileup? Break out the confetti! By acknowledging your progress and treating yourself to some well-deserved praise, you’ll stay motivated and energized throughout your journey to mastery.

The Life-Changing Magic of Saying “No” to Multitasking

In a world where multitasking is often heralded as a superpower, perfect practice reminds us of the value of focused, undivided attention. So, close those 27 browser tabs, silence your phone, and embrace the zen of single-tasking. Not only will your practice sessions become more effective, but you might also find yourself discovering new depths of inner peace.

The Perks of Becoming a Practice Connoisseur

As you dive deeper into perfect practice, you’ll develop a refined taste for quality effort. You’ll begin to recognize the subtle flavors of persistence, the delicate notes of patience, and the bold aroma of determination. Before you know it, you’ll be a veritable sommelier of self-improvement, able to discern the nuances of your own growth and progress.

While perfect practice may not transform you into an infallible, mistake-free superhuman (sorry, perfectionists), it will help you become the best version of yourself. So, embrace your imperfections, laugh at your mistakes, and savor the journey to mastery. Remember, practice might not always make perfect, but with a lot of dedication, perfect practice might just make you unstoppable!

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The Navy SEAL Breathing Technique: Enhancing Focus and Mental Sharpness

The Navy SEAL breathing technique, also known as “box breathing” or “four-square breathing,” is a simple yet effective method used by elite military personnel to maintain focus, mental sharpness, and composure under high-stress situations. This technique can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, providing numerous cognitive and emotional benefits. In this article, we will explore the Navy SEAL breathing technique and its potential to enhance focus and mental sharpness.

Understanding the Navy SEAL Breathing Technique

The Navy SEAL breathing technique involves inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling, and holding the breath again, each for an equal duration, typically four seconds. This creates a “box” pattern, as each part of the cycle is equal in length:

  • Inhale for four seconds
  • Hold your breath for four seconds
  • Exhale for four seconds
  • Hold your breath for four seconds

This process is then repeated for several cycles, usually for a few minutes, until a sense of calm and focus is achieved.

Benefits of the Navy SEAL Breathing Technique

There are several benefits to practicing the Navy SEAL breathing technique, which contribute to enhanced focus and mental sharpness:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety: By regulating your breathing, you can activate the body’s relaxation response, counteracting the effects of stress and anxiety. This helps to clear your mind and maintain focus during high-pressure situations.
  • Increased oxygen supply: The technique promotes deeper, more controlled breaths, ensuring that your brain receives an adequate supply of oxygen. This can help to improve cognitive function, including focus, memory, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Enhanced mindfulness: The Navy SEAL breathing technique encourages you to bring your full attention to the present moment, promoting a state of mindfulness. This heightened awareness can help to sharpen your mental faculties and maintain focus on the task at hand.
  • Improved emotional regulation: By practicing this technique regularly, you can develop greater control over your emotional responses, enabling you to remain composed and level-headed under pressure.

Playful Seal

Incorporating the Navy SEAL Breathing Technique into Your Daily Routine

To reap the benefits of the Navy SEAL breathing technique, it’s essential to practice it consistently. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice the technique, gradually increasing the duration and frequency as you become more comfortable with it. You can also use this technique in high-stress situations, such as before a presentation or during a challenging conversation, to maintain focus and composure.

To further enhance the effectiveness of the technique, consider incorporating visualization and positive affirmations. As you practice the breathing cycle, visualize yourself succeeding in your current task, and repeat positive affirmations that reinforce your confidence and focus.

The Navy SEAL breathing technique offers a simple yet powerful tool for enhancing focus and mental sharpness under pressure. By incorporating this technique into your daily routine, you can develop greater resilience, emotional regulation, and cognitive function, allowing you to tackle high-stress situations with poise and confidence.

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The New Sporting Craze: Pickleball

As a tried-and-true tennis aficionado Pickleball was foreign to me. However, it is a sport that has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, particularly among older adults. This sport is a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong and is played on a smaller court. While pickleball may seem like a leisurely sport, it actually provides numerous health benefits. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which pickleball can benefit your health and why you should consider adding it to your exercise routine.

  1. Improves Cardiovascular Health: Pickleball is a great aerobic exercise that can get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular health. The quick movements and bursts of energy required in pickleball can help to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

  2. Builds Strength and Endurance: Pickleball requires quick movements and agility, which can help to build strength and endurance. The repetitive movements of swinging the racket can also help to tone and strengthen your arms and shoulders.

  3. Enhances Coordination and Balance: Pickleball requires quick reflexes and hand-eye coordination, which can help to improve your overall coordination and balance. This can also translate to improved balance and coordination in other areas of your life.

  4. Reduces Stress: Like any physical activity, pickleball can help to reduce stress and improve your mental health. The social aspect of playing pickleball can also provide a sense of community and support, which can be beneficial for overall well-being.

  5. Low-Impact Exercise: Pickleball is a low-impact sport, which makes it a great option for people with joint pain or other physical limitations. The smaller court and slower ball also make it easier on the body, while still providing a great workout.

  6. Increases Flexibility: The movements required for pickleball, such as swinging the racket and moving around the court, can help to improve your flexibility. Regular pickleball play can help to increase your range of motion and reduce your risk of injury.

    In conclusion, pickleball is a fun and engaging sport that provides numerous health benefits. From improving cardiovascular health to building strength and endurance, pickleball is a great way to stay active and boost your overall well-being. Whether you’re looking for a low-impact exercise option or a social activity, pickleball is a sport that can be enjoyed by everyone. So why not give it a try? Your body and mind will thank you for it!