Skate to Where the Puck is Going: A Wayne Gretzky-inspired Guide to Career Advancement

Wayne Gretzky, widely regarded as one of the greatest, if not the greatest hockey player of all time, famously attributed his success to a simple principle: “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.” This forward-thinking mindset can be applied beyond the ice rink… In this article, we’ll explore how to embrace Gretzky’s philosophy to anticipate opportunities, stay ahead of the curve, and achieve your career goals.

Embrace a Future-Oriented Mindset

Just like Gretzky focused on where the puck was headed, it’s essential to develop a future-oriented mindset in your career. Stay informed about industry trends, emerging technologies, and the evolving needs of your field. By anticipating changes and positioning yourself accordingly, you can be better prepared to seize opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

Invest in Continuous Learning

To skate to where the puck is going in your career, you must commit to continuous learning and skill development. As the job market and industry landscape evolve, the most successful professionals are those who can adapt and grow. Invest time in acquiring new skills, attending workshops, or pursuing additional certifications to ensure you remain relevant and valuable in your field.

Cultivate a Strong Professional Network

Your professional network can be a valuable resource in helping you identify where the puck is going in your career. Build relationships with colleagues, mentors, and industry experts who can provide insights, advice, and support as you navigate your career journey. Actively engage in networking events, online forums, and industry associations to broaden your connections and stay informed about new opportunities.

Embrace Adaptability and Agility

In today’s fast-paced business environment, adaptability and agility are crucial to staying ahead. Be open to change and willing to pivot when new opportunities or challenges arise. Recognize that the path to your career goals may not be linear and that adjusting your strategy may be necessary to capitalize on emerging trends or shifts in your industry.

Set Clear, Measurable Goals

To effectively skate to where the puck is going in your career, it’s important to set clear, measurable goals that align with your long-term vision. Break down your goals into actionable steps and regularly assess your progress, making adjustments as needed. By staying focused on your objectives and maintaining a growth mindset, you’ll be better equipped to stay ahead of the curve and advance in your career.

Wayne Gretzky’s timeless adage of skating to where the puck is going serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of anticipating opportunities and staying ahead in our careers. By embracing a future-oriented mindset, investing in continuous learning, cultivating a strong professional network, staying adaptable and agile, and setting clear, measurable goals, you can harness the power of Gretzky’s philosophy to propel your career forward and achieve lasting success.

More Career Advice Below…

The Power of Dedication: Nolan Ryan’s Inspiring Journey to Baseball Greatness

Nolan Ryan, one of the most legendary pitchers in Major League Baseball history, is a prime example of the incredible power of dedication. His remarkable career, which spanned 27 seasons, is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the sport, his craft, and the pursuit of excellence. Let’s delve into the inspiring story of Nolan Ryan and the role dedication played in his journey to baseball greatness.

Early Years and the Spark of Dedication

Born in 1947 in Refugio, Texas, Nolan Ryan quickly developed a love for baseball. He discovered his natural talent for pitching at a young age and began to hone his skills with relentless dedication. His commitment to practice and improvement eventually earned him a spot on his high school team, where he began to make a name for himself as a talented young pitcher.

Rising Through the Ranks

Nolan Ryan’s dedication and hard work paid off when he was drafted by the New York Mets in 1965. Over the next several years, he continued to work diligently on his craft, developing a reputation for his blazing fastball and incredible strikeout ability. His relentless dedication to improvement eventually led him to stints with the California Angels, Houston Astros, and Texas Rangers, where he solidified his status as a dominant force in the league.

Record-Breaking Career

Throughout his 27-year career, Nolan Ryan’s dedication to the sport was evident in the numerous records he set and the accolades he received. He holds the record for the most career strikeouts with 5,714, as well as the most no-hitters with seven – a testament to his unwavering commitment to excellence. Ryan was also an eight-time All-Star and earned the prestigious honor of being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1999.

The Role of Dedication in Longevity and Success

Nolan Ryan’s incredible career longevity is another example of his dedication to the sport. He retired at the age of 46, making him one of the oldest players to have ever competed in the Major Leagues. His ability to maintain his high level of performance for nearly three decades can be attributed to his relentless work ethic, discipline, and commitment to maintaining his physical and mental well-being.


Lessons from Nolan Ryan’s Journey

The inspiring story of Nolan Ryan teaches us several valuable lessons about the power of dedication:

  • Embrace hard work and perseverance: Success rarely comes without effort. Embrace the process of working hard and pushing through obstacles, just as Ryan did throughout his career.
  • Stay committed to your goals: Ryan’s unwavering commitment to his craft led him to become one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history. Stay focused on your goals, even in the face of adversity or setbacks.
  • Prioritize continuous improvement: Never be satisfied with your current level of performance. Like Ryan, strive for constant growth and development in your chosen field.
  • Recognize the importance of longevity: Dedication is not just about short-term success but maintaining a high level of performance over time. Cultivate habits and practices that support your long-term well-being and success.
  • Surround yourself with people who believe in you: A little known fact is how important Nolan’s wife was to his success. It was in many regards her insistance that he continue playing baseball that led him to become one of the greatest pitchers of all time. Sometimes you need someone to kick you in the ass a little bit…

Nolan Ryan’s remarkable journey to baseball greatness is a shining example of the power of dedication. His commitment to the sport, his craft, and his pursuit of excellence allowed him to forge a legendary career that continues to inspire others. By embracing the lessons from Ryan’s story, we can harness the power of dedication in our own lives and pave the way for personal and professional success.

You Want Some More Motivation?

Trouble Studying (or Working)? Use This Rinse and Repeat Method

The average human attention span is surprisingly short. Have you ever been sitting in a meeting and about 2 minutes in start thinking about what’s for lunch… Then you drift back in… And back out… And back in… This is your short attention span at work. The question is how do we fight this problem!

Short periods of maximum intensity followed by a break. I used this to get me through medical school and the countless hours of studying required to pass the medical licensing examinations… Here is how I did it and hopefully it will work well for you too! The general outline is:

Study (Work) –> Break –> Short Recap –> Study (Work) –> Break –> Short Recap –> Ok you get the point…

Start by studying or working for 30 minutes. Then take a 10 minute walk. Come back and recap for 5 minutes what you did in the first 30 minutes. This now leaves you with 25 minutes to continue studying. Then take another 10 minute break. Then recap for another 5 minutes. Rinse and repeat.

The beauty of this method is that you are constantly re-learning what you learned in the prior 30 minutes. This ensures maximum retention over time. By taking frequent breaks it lets your mind reset.

Thirty minutes too long? Start with 15 minutes and work your way up… I was eventually able to get up to about an hour of really solid study time with this method.

Give it a try! Let us know how it goes in the comment section…

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Schadenfreude: Pleasure from Misfortune

I used to enjoy, and truthfully sometimes still do, gossip about so and so doing this or that. Invariably, the gossip is usually negative. As gossipers we seem to get some kind of enjoyment about what was being gossiped about. Hence why gossip is often times so rampant and difficult to control… Enter schadenfreude! Schadenfreude is a German term that refers to the feeling of pleasure or satisfaction derived from another person’s misfortune or suffering. It is a complex psychological phenomenon that can be difficult to understand, but it can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to be successful in life.

Schadenfreude is often linked to feelings of envy or jealousy, which can lead people to feel a sense of satisfaction when they see others fail or struggle. This type of behavior can be incredibly destructive, as it creates a culture of negativity and resentment that can be toxic to personal and professional relationships.

In the workplace, schadenfreude can lead to a lack of collaboration and teamwork, as people are more concerned with their own success than with the success of the team as a whole. This can lead to a lack of trust, a decrease in productivity, and an overall decline in morale. It can also create a competitive environment where people are more concerned with outperforming their colleagues than with doing their best work.

Schadenfreude can also have negative effects on personal relationships. When we take pleasure in the misfortune of others, we are less likely to be empathetic and supportive, which can lead to a breakdown in relationships. It can also create a sense of isolation, as people are less likely to share their successes and failures with others for fear of being judged or criticized.

Ultimately, schadenfreude is a negative emotion that can hinder personal growth and success. When we focus on the failures and misfortunes of others, we are less likely to focus on our own growth and development. We may also miss out on opportunities to learn from the mistakes of others, as we are too focused on their failures rather than our own successes.

To overcome schadenfreude, it is important to focus on positivity and personal growth of not only ourselves but everyone around us. Instead of taking pleasure in the misfortune of others, we should celebrate their successes and use them as inspiration to achieve our own goals. If you feel the need to gossip, make sure the gossip is about success and “wins”, not failures and dissapointment. We should also strive to create a culture of positivity and collaboration in our personal and professional relationships, focusing on the success of the team as a whole rather than our own individual achievements.

In conclusion, schadenfreude is a negative emotion that can have a significant impact on our ability to be successful in life. By focusing on positivity and personal growth, we can overcome this destructive emotion and create a culture of collaboration, trust, and mutual support that can help us achieve our goals and live fulfilling lives.

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Japanese Joinery and How To Live a Fulfilling Life

I recently bought a bed frame that is build using the concept of Japanese joinery. I know it sounds funny but it is probably my most favorite piece of furniture not only because of the simplicity of its design, but also because of the thought and ingenuity of its design. Japanese joinery is an art form that has been refined over centuries. Its beauty and precision are admired around the world. Joinery is the process of connecting two pieces of wood together without using nails, screws, or other hardware. Instead, Japanese joinery relies on the precise fit between the two pieces of wood and the skill of the craftsman. Japanese joinery is not only visually stunning, but it also has valuable lessons to teach us about living a fulfilling life.

One of the key principles of Japanese joinery is attention to detail. Every joint must be carefully crafted to ensure a perfect fit, which requires immense focus and patience. This level of precision is also essential for success in life. Whether you’re working on a project, building a business, or pursuing a goal, attention to detail is critical. Every detail counts, and taking the time to get things right can make the difference between success and failure.

Another essential lesson from Japanese joinery is the importance of practice and mastery. The craftsmen who create these works of art spend years honing their skills and perfecting their craft. They understand that mastery takes time and effort, and they are willing to put in the work to achieve it. Similarly, in life, success often requires a similar dedication to practice and mastery. Whether it’s learning a new skill, building a business, or pursuing a passion, success often comes from putting in the time and effort to become an expert.

Japanese joinery also emphasizes the value of simplicity. The joints are designed to be strong and functional, but also elegant and minimalist. This focus on simplicity and efficiency is critical for success in life as well. By eliminating distractions and focusing on what’s truly important, we can achieve greater efficiency and productivity. Simplicity can also help us find greater clarity and purpose, allowing us to achieve our goals with greater focus and determination.

Finally, Japanese joinery teaches us about the power of collaboration. The joints are designed to work together seamlessly, and each piece is essential for the whole to function properly. Similarly, in life, collaboration and teamwork are often critical for success. By working together with others and leveraging their strengths and skills, we can achieve more than we ever could on our own.

In conclusion, the beauty and precision of Japanese joinery have valuable lessons to teach us about success in life. By emphasizing attention to detail, practice and mastery, simplicity, and collaboration, Japanese joinery offers a powerful model for achieving success and fulfillment. Whether you’re a craftsman, an artist, an entrepreneur, or anyone pursuing their dreams, the principles of Japanese joinery can help guide you towards greater success and satisfaction in life.

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Decision Fatigue: The Silent Barrier to Success

Albert Einstein was known for having a wardrobe that consisted of only gray suits. Steve Jobs wore a seemingly identical black turtleneck with jeans and sneakers everyday. Barack Obama dressed in only gray and blue suits. What’s the deal behind this? Decision fatigue! Or the notion that decisions, even decisions as “minor” as what to wear today, add up, and more importantly, impair our ability to make tougher, and likely more important decisions later in the day.

In today’s fast-paced world, we are faced with numerous decisions, ranging from the mundane to the critical. Decision making can be thought of as a finite resource that can become depleted over time. This phenomenon, known as decision fatigue, can significantly impact our ability to be successful. In this article, we will explore the concept of decision fatigue, its implications on success, and hopefully some strategies to minimize its effects.

Decision fatigue refers to the decline in the quality and efficiency of our decision-making ability after a long day of making decisions. The more decisions we make the more our mental resources are drained, which causes reduced willpower, impaired judgment, and increased impulsivity. Decision fatigue can manifest in various ways, such as making poor choices, procrastinating, and even avoiding making decisions altogether.

Implications for Success

  1. Decreased productivity: Decision fatigue can lead to procrastination and an inability to prioritize tasks effectively, resulting in decreased productivity. As decision-making abilities wane, individuals may find it increasingly difficult to complete tasks or make progress on projects.
  2. Poor decision-making: As decision fatigue sets in, individuals are more likely to make impulsive or irrational choices, potentially leading to negative consequences in both personal and professional settings. These poor decisions can hinder success by derailing long-term goals or causing unnecessary setbacks.
  3. Burnout and stress: Decision fatigue can contribute to increased stress and burnout, as individuals struggle to cope with the demands of constant decision-making. This can negatively impact mental health, overall well-being, and eventually, the ability to be successful.
  4. Strained relationships: Impaired decision-making abilities can also impact personal and professional relationships, as individuals may become more irritable, impatient, or impulsive when interacting with others.

Strategies to Combat Decision Fatigue

  1. Prioritize decisions: Recognize that not all decisions are of equal importance. Focus on making the most critical decisions when your mental resources are at their peak, and postpone less important decisions for later.
  2. Simplify choices: Limit the number of options you need to consider by creating default choices or routines for recurring decisions. For example, having a set morning routine or a go-to lunch option can free up mental resources for more important decisions.
  3. Plan decision-making: Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to give your brain a chance to recharge. Planning your day to tackle decision-intensive tasks during your most mentally alert periods can also help reduce the impact of decision fatigue.
  4. Delegate when appropriate: Share decision-making responsibilities with trusted colleagues, friends, or family members to reduce the cognitive load on yourself. This not only conserves mental resources but can also lead to better decisions through collaboration and diverse perspectives.
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: A well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can help keep your brain functioning at its best, making it better equipped to handle decision-making demands.

Decision fatigue is an overlooked factor that can significantly impact our ability to be successful. By understanding the concept and its implications, we can implement strategies to minimize its effects and optimize our decision-making abilities. Even though we may not be Einstein or Jobs, by prioritizing decisions, simplifying choices, planning decision-making, delegating when appropriate, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle we can minimize the effects of decision fatigue and propel ourselves toward greater success in both our personal and professional lives.

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There Are Stupid Questions, but Ask Them Anyways!

When I used to do a lot of teaching I would always tell my students that there are such thing as “stupid” questions, but that these are the questions worth asking because we learn the most from them. “Stupid” questions mean that we are failing to understand a fundamental component of what we are learning. Without learning the answers to these questions it is hard to advance and become proficient.

Asking questions is an essential component of career growth and development. However, not all questions are created equal, and it’s essential to ask the right questions if you want to advance your career. In this article, we’ll explore how to ask the right questions and the benefits of doing so.

Asking the “right” questions, where or not they are intelligent, stupid, or confusing, is critical because it demonstrates your curiosity and willingness to learn. When you ask thoughtful questions, you show that you are invested in your work and interested in improving your skills and knowledge. This can make a positive impression on your colleagues and superiors, who will appreciate your dedication and initiative.

In addition, asking the right questions can help you identify and solve problems more effectively. By asking targeted questions, you gain a deeper understanding of the challenges being faced and find creative solutions that might not have been apparent otherwise. This can help you stand out as a problem-solver and innovative thinker, which can be valuable assets in any career.

So, how do you ask the right questions? Here are a few tips:

  1. Be specific: Avoid broad or vague questions that don’t provide any real direction. Instead, focus on specific topics or issues that you want to learn more about.
  2. Do your research: Before asking a question, do some background research to ensure you’re not asking something that could easily be found with a quick Google search. This shows that you’ve taken the initiative to educate yourself before asking for help.
  3. Consider the context: Think about who you’re asking and the situation in which you’re asking. Make sure your question is appropriate for the audience and the setting.
  4. Be open-minded: Don’t be afraid to ask challenging questions or to question assumptions. This can lead to new insights and perspectives that could help you advance your career.
  5. Listen actively: When someone answers your question, be sure to listen actively and follow up with additional questions if necessary. This shows that you’re engaged and interested in the conversation.

In conclusion, asking the right questions is essential for career growth and development. By demonstrating your curiosity and willingness to learn, identifying and solving problems more effectively, and being specific, doing your research, considering the context, being open-minded, and listening actively, you can ask the right questions and get ahead in your career. Remember, there are no “stupid” questions, but thoughtful questions are the ones that will help you achieve success. And worst case scenario? You will get laughed at, but so what : ) And if you do get laughed at, just watch the video below to cheer you up!

Light and Dark: A Letter from Darth Vader on Success

Dear Reader,

As Darth Vader, I know a thing or two about the light and dark sides of the Force. I have walked the path of the dark side, and I have seen the power that it can bring. But I have also come to understand the paradox that exists between light and dark, and the way in which they are intertwined in our journey towards success.

Success is a tricky thing, because it can mean different things to different people. For some, success is measured in power and control. For others, it is measured in personal fulfillment and happiness. But regardless of how you define success, the paradox between light and dark can help guide you on your path.

The light side of the Force is often associated with compassion, selflessness, and a desire to help others. These are noble qualities that can lead to personal fulfillment and happiness. But they can also lead to a sense of powerlessness and a lack of control over one’s own destiny. The dark side, on the other hand, is associated with strength, power, and control. These are qualities that can help you achieve your goals and succeed in life. But they can also lead to a sense of isolation and detachment from others.

The key to success is finding balance between the light and dark sides of the Force. It is important to cultivate compassion and selflessness, but also to have the strength and determination to achieve your goals. It is important to help others, but also to take care of yourself and your own needs. It is important to be humble, but also to have confidence in your abilities.

I have learned this lesson the hard way. I was consumed by the dark side for many years, and it led to my downfall. But in my redemption, I have come to understand the importance of balance and the paradox between light and dark.

So, my dear reader, as you journey towards success, remember that the light and dark sides of the Force are not mutually exclusive. They can coexist within you, and in fact, they must coexist in order for you to achieve true success. May the Force be with you on your journey.

Darth Vader

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Ulysses Grant

Battlefield Success: Ulysses Grant’s Strategies for Life

General Ulysses Grant is best known for his military prowess during the American Civil War. Grant’s success on the battlefield can be attributed, in part, to his strategic approach. Here is a look at how General Grant might have developed a strategy to achieve his goals:

  1. Define clear objectives: Grant believed in setting clear and specific objectives. Why are we marching south? Why do we need to take this town or city? Defining clear objectives helps prevent the “fog of war” from paralyzing action.
  2. Assess the situation: Grant was a master at assessing the situation around him. He would analyze the terrain, the enemy’s strength, and the available resources in order to determine the best approach for achieving his objectives.
  3. Develop a plan of attack: Grant believed in developing a clear plan of attack. He would identify the key actions needed to achieve his objectives, assign tasks to his troops, and establish timelines for execution.
  4. Execute with precision: Grant believed in the importance of precision and execution. He would ensure that his troops were properly trained, well-equipped, and disciplined. He would closely monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that his plan was executed with maximum efficiency.
  5. Maintain flexibility: Grant understood that plans could change quickly in the midst of battle. He was prepared to adjust his strategy as needed, and was always ready to adapt to new situations.
  6. Analyze results: Grant believed in analyzing the results of his actions, whether they were successful or not. He would evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his approach, learn from his mistakes, and adjust his strategy accordingly.


By following these principles, General Ulysses Grant was able to achieve his goals on the battlefield. His strategic approach emphasized clear objectives, careful assessment, precise execution, and flexibility. This approach can be applied to other areas of life as well, whether it be business, politics, or personal goals. By defining clear objectives, assessing the situation, developing a plan of attack, executing with precision, maintaining flexibility, and analyzing results, individuals can develop effective strategies for achieving their goals.

“The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who have helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.”

“In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten. Then he who continues the attack wins.”

“There are but few important events in the affairs of men brought about by their own choice.”

Ditch Diggers, Laundry, and Dishes: Finding Success in the Mundane

There is a famous line from the movie “Caddy Shack” where the character played by Ted Knight says, “The world needs ditch diggers too.” This line may seem like a simple joke, but it actually carries a deeper message about the importance of taking pride in your work.

Taking ownership, even in mundane tasks, can be quite rewarding. When you put in the time and effort to do a great job at whatever you are doing it changes your attitude and mindset. This can then bleed into other facets of life and success can start to snowball.

Taking pride in one’s work is important for several reasons:

  1. Personal fulfillment: When you take pride in your work you feel a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Professional success: Doing mundane tasks well and with enthusiasm can lead to promotions, recognition, and increased opportunities for growth.
  3. Customer satisfaction: More pride often equates to higher-quality work that can exceed expectations of customers. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Reputation: Great work will always be great work. When people seeing you constantly striving to do your best you build a strong reputation for quality and reliability. This can lead to increased respect and trust from colleagues, customers, and the broader community.

How can taking pride in one’s work lead to a successful life?

Taking pride in one’s work can lead to a successful life in several ways:

  1. Increased opportunities: people want to be around others who produce good quality work; this can be both a blessing and a curse because you will likely be asked to do more, but I would rather be in this boat than be known as the “lazy one” that does mediocre jobs.
  2. Increased job satisfaction
  3. Increased financial stability: more opportunities equates to more jobs which equates to more mula!
  4. Positive impact on others: Taking pride in one’s work can have a positive impact on others. Taking pride in your work can inspire and motivate others to do the same.

In conclusion, taking pride in WHATEVER you are doing is paramount to living a successful life. Doing the dishes? Be the best god-darn dish washer there is! Folding laundry? Make sure each piece is folded to perfection. This actually makes these more mundane tasks a little bit more enjoyable. More importantly, by practicing this mindset with these types of thankless tasks it will bleed over into other areas of your life leading to snowballing success.

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